Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Website Update

Soon, will be launched. At first it will be under heavy construction. We will eventually have a page for practically every high-fashion model in the Baltics. Each model will have a photo, a link to her mother agency page, her agency list, show list, editorial list, etc. There will be BS Exclusives, agency information and news, contest coverage, and more.

Once again, the launch will include a website under very heavy construction. Baltic Sensations will always be a work in progress. This means that you will see us grow weekly if not daily.

Remember, Baltic Sensations is a non-profit site. This means that we are very appreciative of any information, corrections, updates, etc. that you can send our way. If you want we will be glad to give you full credit for the information that you have sent us.

A very big thank you to everyone who has corrected us, given us updates, sent us information, or just made comments.

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